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Professional Development Series 

The Professional Development Series includes resources to address challenges and build the professional capacities of individuals and groups across the cultural sector.

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Presented in partnership with the City of Hamilton’s Tourism and Culture Division.



Applying for Grants

Sessions include instructions on getting set up to prepare funding applications and apply for municipal, provincial, and federal grants.

Business Graphs

Arts Business

Sessions include capacity building skills and techniques to support professional delivery of your creative practice. 

Office Building

Building Professional Pathways

Sessions include genre-specific peer discussion about the lived experience of emerging and established creative practitioners, and approaches to professionalizing their craft.

Art Museum


Sessions include introduction to provincial and federally positioned organizations who provide critical resources to creative indivdual practitioners and organizations. 

Applying for Grants

Canada Council for the Arts

(Explore & Create)

Resources and services, including; accessing support for preparing grant applications, and the role of CCA program officers.

Image by Thomas Lefebvre

City Enrichment Fund,

Creation & Presentation Stream 

This session will provide an overview of the Creation & Presentation funding stream. The eligibility, artist project overview, support material requirements, expectations and the requirements of the funding stream will be reviewed. It will also include tips on preparing an application

Origami Toys

Ontario Arts Council


An introduction to the Ontario Arts Council, and their resources and services, including; accessing support for preparing grant applications, and the role of OAC grant officers. The session include tips on preparing applications


Crafting Compelling Statements for

Funding Applications

This interactive session guides participants through the process of answering the 'statement' questions that so many funding applications call for.

Topics include developing an artistic statement, an impact statement, a vision statement, and building alignment between your statements and funder goals

Book Stack

Arts Business

Arts Business:

Social Media Strategies (intro session)

Social media marketing for artists explores; What social media platforms should I be using? How do I become visible and searchable? Are paid posts worth it? The session will also emphasize the importance of storytelling and engagement.

Image by Karsten Winegeart

Arts Business:

Budgets for Beginners (Theatre)

This 90 minute presentation, Aaron describes areas to consider when building a budget, such as standard rates for hiring creators, opportunities for grant funding, where to source costs and budget templates and how to avoid common mistakes. 

Credit Card

Arts Business:

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

This highly engaging 90-minute workshop, Nancy Watt discusses the social psychology behind Imposter Syndrome, and how enhanced emotional and intellectual Adaptability can help us spot it, confront it, and manage it to our advantage. 

Theatrical Mask

Arts Business:

Developing Strategies for Sponsorship

Know how to successfully place your organization within the competitive sponsorship market. Topics will include best practices for communication with potential sponsors, and important strategies for inspiring corporate investment in your work

Business Graphs

Arts Business:

Social Media Ad Campaigns

Learn how to create inexpensive paid Instagram/Facebook ad campaigns to sell your work and get people attending your events. We walk through the Meta Ads Manager tool to show you how to get the absolute most for your money.

Image by Jon Tyson

Arts Business:

Fair Compensation for Visual & Media Arts

An introduction to payment standards in the Canadian visual and media arts sector, and what to expect when showing work in different contexts, negotiating fair compensation, and considerations for pricing and selling artworks. 

Image by FIN

Arts Business:

Project Planning

This information presentation provides an overview of the elements that go into a successful project plan, as a roadmap for successful delivery of events, and presentation.

Image by Matt Duncan

Building Professional Pathways

Building Professional Pathways:


A panel discussion of the lived-experience and inherent challenges of theatre professionals trying to create a sustainable practice, including resources and considerations for emerging and professional theatre artists and presenters.

Theater Marquee Lights

Building Professional Pathways:


A panel discussion on the lived experience of designers and creatives trying to create a sustainable practice, including resources and considerations for emerging and professional designers

Woman Measuring

Building Professional Pathways: 


A panel discussion on the lived-expereince of dance and movement artists trying to create a sustainable practice, including resources and considerations for emerging and professional dance artists


Building Professional Pathways:

Literary Arts

A session for emerging writers and writers who are preparing to send their work to a publisher or agent. Janet Rogers shares methods to get your literary work publisher-ready and ways to find the right publisher for you.





Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA)

This session will provide an overview of the Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA), a national organization working to advance and strengthen the media arts community in Canada. Learn about IMAA'a recently renewed Fee Schedule, the IMAASouce database of resources for media artists & practitioners

Film Reel

Discover: Alliance of Canadian

Cinema, Television & Radio Artists (ACTRA)

This session will cover how ACTRA protects performers, promotes diversity on screen, advocates for Canadian storytelling, and more. Join us on November 2nd to learn all about ACTRA.



Welcome to WorkInCulture

Discover what we do and the resources we offer to help support Canadian artists and arts workers. If you work in the arts and culture sector as an artist, creative entrepreneur or arts administrator, or for an arts organization or a creative industry, this presentation is for you!

Image by Drew Beamer

Serving artists/creatives, art lovers & arts organizations across the Greater Hamilton Area since 1969

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Hamilton Arts Council | 115 King St E, 3rd Floor, Hamilton, Ont, L8N 1A9 |

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© 2020 Hamilton Arts Council and/or the indiviudal featured artists. All rights reserved. Hamilton Arts Council is a not for profit charitable organization. Registered charity number 118951425RR0001

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